Discovering Poland Castles: Niemodlin. Deers and sculpture park

One hour from Wroclaw, you can discover a fairy scene: the medieval Niemodlin Castle, complete with deer roaming its grounds.
The Niemodlin Castle surrounding, sculpture park
The courtyard of Niemodlin Castle is a territory with benches, trees, and a sculpture park featuring works from artists around the world. Standing guard over the castle is a knight sculpture. Visitors can also seek out the mysterious black figure to uncover her secrets. Additionally, the Grafter sculpture symbolizes respect for the hard work of people. However, the main attraction lies in the group of deer that roam the castle grounds.
The Deer - Guardians of Niemodlin Castle
In the territory of Niemodlin Castle, the deer roam freely. This is one of the most prominent features of this place. The deer are unafraid of people. You can walk among them and feed the deer with food bought in the castle store.
The Nemodlin castle courtyard and buildings
When you step into the courtyard, you'll see the castle's architectural details, including the square, towers, and chapel. Make sure to explore inside the chapel. You can also buy a ticket for a guided tour of the castle. Check out the castle's website for photos showing its changes over time. To make your visit more exciting, read up on the castle's legends.